speer Drawings R4


Subject: 112912 osholon transmission/ information

Date: November 29, 2012 5:27:11 PM PST

i'd been puzzled over what osholon has been transmitting lately, concepts and information about the luciferian spectrum, and cages of light, and electro magnetism of the current sun, relates to the earlier transmissions about the  cubic watery sun, composed of H30, or hydronium, the substance osholon informed me would be a new element, and the element of the new cubic watery sun. This new sun, Osholon implied, would have a fundamental effect on human consciousness, emmiting a new spectrum of "light" that would banish the false wajd of the monosoular stars (those stars are made of mud!). how the latest transmissions of the last few months fit into that fundamental change has only recently become apparent. osholon has , it seems , once again used shared neuronal to have others help with understanding the relations of these concepts.

   thanks again to mashahiro kahata for archiving the osholon tranmissions over the last couple years!!



















acoustic buzzing bridges gravity












osholon initiation 10/10/10

salt water of sensory deprivation tank as medium of communication

idea of how osholon is a carapace that defined an aspace atemporal realm

osholon calls this realm apeirion.

the insistent idea that the osholon carapace, or tav,, for us perceived in the form of a sarcophagus like container, is more precisely the form which defines our time and space. topologicaly, we are bounded within the outside of the osholon carapace, and subject to the harsh repercussions of time and space, the end result being death.

the idea that the shift from a round solar star to a cubic watery sun was the fulfillment of squaring the circle.

chiral and achiral spin,, somehow representing vortexes of time.. the intersection of these binary vortexes allow acces to osholon consciousnes, and from there apeirion

the plane of amorelp.. the material plane. where human consciousness is right now. Osholon has presented this plane, in later transmissions, as a checker board, with the white and black squares analogs for time and space.

Otam alipit/ mato tipila/ devils tower..

OTL energies

oddly, having been banished at Otam Alipit the OTL energies have plagued me no more. I had to remember to mention them, though for the first year and a half of the osholon transmissions i was plagued by their interference. When in the tank on 10 10 10, as Osholon made first contact, from above me and upper left in air, behind me over right shoulder in the water of the tank, I heard a mocking voice snarling "ÖUT TO LUNCH!! OUT TO LUNCH!!" as if to have me question my sanity, and the validity of the appearance of Osholon. for the first month after contact the efforts of the OTL energies did keep me from accepting the Osholon transmissions as real.

Ilve gone through periods wondering if it was just my imagination bringing forth the Osholon transmissions, but on more then one occasion when i asked for some undeniable physical evidence , something unique and irrefutable, osholon gave me that. One of those moments was when i was transmitted the 5/6 void glyph the merged pentagram hexagram glyph. this glyph was manifested through work with a series of yeatsian gyres..which i was guided to join in a configuration that bought forth the hexagram pentagram glyph, also the symbol of the "void". The void, i;ve learned is the bootes void, an area devoid of stars and where the"membrane between space and aspace is thinnest. The void concept was clarified after i did my trip covering 23 states/ 3000, where i planted 100s of sosholon tulpa resonators on indian mounds through the north and south east. the midpoint of this trip to devils tower was new madrid on the Mississippi river, where the backwards flowing method was incorporated, and, if osholon is to be believed, a severe earthquake was averted. This work done, the osholon consciousness was launched into apeirion, and hylic energy was shunted through a hexagin portal at the base of Otan alipit.

hexagins, squares and triangles as the fully tilable polygons that are used by otl energies. Otl energies have manifested as a number of entities, the most persitent being the time ginders, imps who work the wheels of time, dragging human consciousness into the gnashing gears of the insidious celestial clockwork.

active osholon inteliigences

dormant osholon entities


speer drawing R4