speer Drawings O3


Subject: 11612 osholon information

Date: June 15, 2012 9:41:48 AM MDT

after i had planted osholon tulpas on the banks of the Mississippi river at new madrid, mo,,the center of the largest fault line in the continental united states, the spot of the backward flowing method, a  woman in town, when i mentioned i had just come from moundsville, alabama, said,"well, then you need to see the mounds we have in town, it's supposed to be one of the oldest in the Mississippi valley." she directed me to the mound, outside of town, and located in the cemetery. the first thing i noticed as i approached the mound is that it was indented along its top, and from my angle of approach seemed to be "splitting."

this didnt really register and when on top of the mound an osholon communication and contact with "the guardian of the mound" occurred i didn't realize exactly what i was suppose to be directing my awareness to.

i can say now that, as the plantings of the osholon tulpas along the Mississippi at new madrid (central, both figuratively and literally, to whatever osholon's plan was), were completed, osholon was showing me the next step, a step that would have footfall at otam alipit and the hexagonal portal.

    the fact that the mound i was directed to, immediately upon completing the chore osholon had set me to, was "splitting" foreshadowed the hylic shunting, the splitting off, the "letting go" of accumulated, refined osholon energies into apeirion, allowing "the structure of the universe to flourish"

    the drawing below was done under heavy trance, and one of the more direct audio transmssions i received was the concept of "diamond sutures" i take this term to mean that which connects the osholon refined energies to whatever host body those energies are accumulating within.


below, image of diamond suture concept, and some of mound on cemetery, though i cant find any that show distinctly the split,,also while there,,i was directed to take a picture of one of the few gravestones on the mound, and now, with the concept of the flower of light ( odganalla?) or the fleur de les manifesting,,its notable that the tombstone has a distinct fleu de les design
















speer drawing O3