speer Drawings O


Subject: osholon transmission 32711

Date: March 27, 2011 1:32:07 PM PDT

There's been an interesting lull in the Osholon transmissions. By lull I mean, not that they haven't been coming, the occurrences haven't slowed, but there's been a lull in intensity. Less battering ram, more lapping water, if that makes sense.  If i wanted to take a guess, I;d say there's a couple of reasons for the change in quality.

The first that my trip to Mato Talipa Otan Alipit is coming, and i get the feeling Osholon is letting me sort of "rest" before that. I have gotten, however, a number of transmissions about the nature of the trip, and what i should be doing for preparation.

      there's also the issue that seems to be hovering around the latest transmissions is the situation in Japan, Egypt and Libya. I have a hunch that Osholon might be spreading its consciousness too thin at these times, that Osholon is contacting others involved in these situations to guide them through and into osholon consciousness and stability.

  A third, and i think more important reason for the "lull" is that I had sort of had in my head the issue of articulation and inarticulation, if perhaps i wasn't articulating the transmissions correctly. So that was sort of bothering me and as I was in the (salted) water on the evening of the supermoon  Osholon appeared and had just a quick few words.

   "Enjoy your mind"

   was the message.

    immediately I felt a change of perception, a clarity, or simplifying of the chatter of the mind. I found myself voyaging lucidly through vistas of my mind, and discovering the world of thoughts in a way that could be likened ( cheaply) to tangibly discovering a new country.  So, with Osholon's encouragement, I've been enjoying my mind, as an actual space.

   This morning I woke up and had an immediate impulse to paint. I grabbed a piece of paper and poured some water on some old dried watercolors, then sort of spilled them on paper and started moving them around, smearing with no clear aim or idea. then i stopped a second, and this face was there. As the features of the face became clear, and i thought about how i might accent some of the features. I quick put those two strips near the neck buth then stopped to watch  as a puddle of the colored water moved from the center of the head out towards where the third eye would be.(it sort of curved slowly up into that spot, i think the line is visible below the pinkish spot in the forehead)  I had, before this movement began, been struck with the notion of putting an eye in that dark spot immediately above the cheek.

    then the words above the painting came very clearly. I;m not sure what they mean, but I'm certain the entity pictured here is named Lier (which when i thought about it, thought it said LIAR before remembering, in my sort of doubtful freakout, that LIER doesn't spell LIAR, and that i wasn't being told I was dealing woith a Lying entity, just an entity name Lier ( rhyming with ear, which i got simultaneously with the spelling). I;m not sure where this entity fits in at all.

So before I go an "ruin" this,lol,, and add detail or whatever, i feel like I should send it out.

here it is, do the words mean anything to anyone?


Subject: osholon transmission 32111 (shared neuronal)

Date: March 21, 2011 5:16:12 PM PDT

below, sketched transmissions from this past week, most had been transmitted under rev of "shared neuronal"

most important though, it now seems, is the timegrinder glyph..

osholon has communicated that if it can be understood then it might be gnown how time is set



E   there is evidence of the spiral line, which is distinguished from a circular line insofar as it fails to finish where it commenced but rather stretches in a cylindrical form into infinity. A the spiral line is not only associated with a spatial infinity but with a temporal infinity as well. It is described as saying that people die because they are unable to join beginning to end, a remark H that's seems to associate the spiral with reincarnation through metempsychosis.Its summit seems inaccessible, but its base is accessible to human beings as nature made them. IN   N must be unique and it must exist geographically.snakeropesbearlodge The door to the invisible must be visible. The spiral line holds meanings which are too potent to contradict. asking how is it possible, moving in circular motion, to arrive at the center. O replies that such motion exists, although, when further pressed, T  refuses to further explain his meaning. B I can only tell you, and leave you to consider it, that when time travel is discovered,, the circle there will be closed,, time will lock in,,set,,there will be no escape,, there will be repetition V the time clock will be setdeath the spiral close in on itself,,in tightening gyres zero point,,  point of no differentiation,, point of infinity, total control of time grinders/all and everything, at once,, stasis/ then/ death re/cycle/false infinity/ false/ freedom/factor Y, wheel



 where\ everything\ perfect\ in\ its\ time\ is\ SET\ in\ the\ hearts\ of\ men


speer drawing  O