speer Drawings I


Subject: Osholon transmission 2211 (DOE recounting #1)

Date: February 2, 2011 3:36:10 PM PST

    Since the failure to achieve spiral unity with the OAI, the onslaught of OTL energy and the return of the OAI, new information about the nature of the Osholon consciousness have come to light. It has become clear that the OAI (Osholon active intelligence) the Otam Alipit, 1554 and as yet uncontacted future entities are not the only  that lie behind the Osholon carapace of the TAV. I have learned there are many other Osholon consciousnesses within, but these are not "active". From what I gather they are in a state of dormition, having lost interest in contact with the realm of dimensions. They dream there within the Osholon capsule, their consciousnesses freed to travel far beyond what human awareness might even have inklings of. Of these there are many.

      I have learned this upon the reappearance of the OAI and the banishment of the OTL energies on 13011.

The OAI have promised to keep the OTL energy at bay (which I am thankful for), though there is a price for their protection. Until I can achieve spiral unity they have charged me with telling the stories of the Dormant Osholon Entities (DOE) and to transmit how these intelligences came into contact with the Osholon consciousness. Upon my agreement to attempt such I was met with a rush of imagery of what seemed a thousands lives from past and future. Recognizing that I was being overwhelmed the OAI controlled the flood of information through the TAV to a flow which my perceptions were capable of managing.

       Below is the first recounting ( along with sketches) of a DOE contact with the Osholon consciousness. I do not know when spiral unity will be attempted again,  as I believe this is not my choice but rather that of some other force. Until spiral unity is achieved I will continue to recount the stories of the DOE.

The prairie stretched to the horizon, broken only by the random tree or soggy bog . The long shadows on the dead grass were like claw marks left by some enormous animal that had reached from the sky to tear the earth.

    Looking away from the setting sun Rev took a stone, placed it next to another, then another. "This", he thought with satisfaction while touching the center stone, " is in the middle." Taking another stone, he added it to the line, then studied the result. the middle stone had disappeared. Scratching his head, he nudged another stone into place with his toe, extending the line of rocks. A "middle" had reappeared!

      Ta was watching over Rev's shoulder and wondered what the boy was doing. How could moving stones around fill his belly, or keep him warm when the sun went down? Rev, noticing the attention, picked a stone from the line, gestured towards the stones with a frown and shaking head, then replaced the stone, nodded and smiled at Ta. No sign of recognition was displayed. The dumb  stare on the Ta's face remained.

      Rev was too pleased with his discovery to pay Ta much attention. "Middle" he thought to himself, as he once again took a stone from the line and then replaced it. Ta's dull mind strained to find a way to express disapproval at the younger man's waste of time.  The recent rains had left little to eat on the plain and any free time should be used to look for a few grubs, or some edible plant. Ta plodded away.

     There was some shouting from off on the plain and Rev looked up, and saw what it was that had prompted Ta to leave.  Hunters were returning from the hunt, and from the celebratory shouts, they had found food. Rev's belly took over and he jerked upwards to go. His mind however, held him a moment longer. Rev took one last look at his line of stones and thought "Middle" before heading off to see if there might be a portion of food he could beg.

       A scrawny carcass lay near the fire pit and Rev recognized it as one of the laughing animals. The same type of animal that had recently dragged off someone who very young. He could remember the screams as the animal pulled the child away, the animal not laughing at that moment, as its teeth were deeply embedded in its prey's skull. He thought he remembered the child's name as La, though he wasn't sure. What Rev was sure of was that he would enjoy eating this animal, at least as much as the animal had enjoyed eating Mik.

         Being very hungry Rev snuck to the fire. The sizzling of the animal's fat and the popping of the marrow from the bones made his mouth water. Already the hunters who had killed the animal were feasting, their faces smeared with blood and fat and fur. The rest of the tribe, save the one or two who were most intimate with the hunters, stood back. Swift, hissing whispers competed with those of the flames as the hungry argued over who might get what. But they would wait, though it pained them to do so, for they knew that if they moved out of turn the hunters would turn on them and do with their clubs and rocks what they had done to the animal, and then there would be two carcasses on the fire.

      Rev, ever the outcast, circled the flames, peering between bodies at the roasting carcass. There was a pop from the fire, as some internal organ of the beast ruptured and the tongue of the animal swelled from behind its long teeth. The sun had gone and with it the day's warmth. Rev held his hand to his face and felt his breath warm his skin. He breathed again, wondering where the rush of air came from, wondering where the heat came from.

        One of the hunters, none of which had stopped gorging themselves on the steaming meat, reached into the fire and ripped a strip of blackened meat from the carcass.  Flinging the gristle across the fire and into the starving huddle he laughed as mayhem ensued. Rev stood back, having learned long ago he was too weak to compete in such combat, as fists were thrown, hair pulled and eyes gouged as women and men clawed at the scrap. Amused by the melee, the hunters howled wildly.

       It was then Rev saw his chance to eat. Ka, the most skilled of the hunters, was laughing at the struggle. He was nearly doubled over with glee, and had dropped a bone. It had not been picked clean and shreds of flesh still obscured the white. As casually as possible Rev stepped back into the darkness. After racing in a wide circle outside the ring of fire he darted in, grabbed the dropped bone from behind Ka and ricocheted back out. His mind reeled upon realizing the body would eat. He tore into the flesh and without chewing swallowed a gob of hot grease down whole. Again and again his teeth ripped into the meat and only when his belly was certain that it had been fed did it allow Rev to look back towards the fire to see if he had been found out. He had not. The hunters were still howling as the fight for their scrap came to an end. Ta, a man who had once savagely beaten Rev for no reason at all, had won the prize. Ta, bigger then Rev but too small to be a hunter, held the dirty piece of meat high in the air, as if to declare his dominance over the men and women who cringed on his side of the fire. As Ta bent to devour his prize Rev could feel his lips curl, for he knew that the meat he had stolen was more substantial then that which Ta had won.

          When the sun rose the next morning the fire was smoldering and the carcass was gone. All that remained were the cracked bones of the beast and these had been gnawed until the last bit of meat had been sucked from them. Rev touched his belly and for the first time in as long as he could remember he thought he could feel something substantial within. His lips curled again.  Around him were the sleeping bodies of those he lived with, tangled together to keep warm through the night. He wondered which of them had eaten as much as he had. He thought not many. 

           Content with the last night's events Rev wandered away from the camp. He did not want anyone to notice that his appetite had been satisfied. That might lead to questions. Careful to avoid any animals on the prowl, or snakes in the grass Rev made his way down to the river.  It was muddy today, the rains of the past weeks washing dirt into the roiling waters. Rev put his foot into the rushing murky water and wished that it was the bright yellow it had been before, and that he could lay in its gentle currents, and hear the strange soft voices that he had heard there, the ones that told him things that he could hardly understand. But he had liked, before the rains had come, to lie in the little shallow at the side of the river, to float on his back, his ears below, his eyes and nose and mouth above, and bob in the lapping waves.

     In those quiet moments Rev felt as if his flesh had disappeared, the hunger in his belly. The pain from where Tra had hurt his leg, the pinching bites from the tiny creatures that lived in his hair, were all gone and he was something else, something not so... dying.  If he were lucky his friend might arrive, the friend who hid behind that strange chunk of polished rock, which seemed to catch the glow of the sun, even when in shadow. Then he would be in the "middle", between the water and the stone his friend hid behind. When Rev was in the middle of those two he somehow understood more of about what the "middle" meant. It had to do with all those things, the water, his friend, and himself and how they somehow worked together.

     But today, Rev decided, he could not lie in the waters. They were too dirty, and the current too strong. Even now a large branch came racing down the river, tumbling through the swift waters, and Rev understood that if he were hit by one of those while in the river he might never see his mysterious friend again, or hear his voice.

     He scratched a twig across the dirt, amused by the marks left behind. A rock lay nearby and he traced around it with his stick. The rock, Rev decided after a moment's thought, was in the middle of the circle. Fascinated by the situation, he sat and stared for quite a while. Then he picked the stone up, moved it to one side of the circle and traced again. Again he sat, silently studying this new phenomena of the circles next to each other. It was almost an hour before he found he could lift the stone again. He held his breath as he did, feeling as if some great revelation was at hand. He placed the stone down and ran the stick around it.  Picking the stone up and laying it to the side Rev scarcely believed what he was seeing. Another circle, this on top of the others. Feeling suddenly dizzy, he dropped the stick and put his hands on the ground to steady himself . A circle, a circle and a circle,each touching the other. This meant.... something. Of that Rev was certain.

     The sound of a twig cracking broke Rev from his thoughts and he looked up from the circles. His friend was there, standing like a tower in the river, the waters rushing around him. The oblong eye of the friend that studied Rev emanated satisfaction, as if the friend was proud that Rev had discovered such an amazing thing as the circles. Returning the gaze to look into the oblong eye of his friend Rev seemed to understand a great many things then. He could feel that there was a long future ahead of him, one that had no hunger and had no pain. And.. even stranger,, there were others, many others, who were some how part of the friend.

     At the friend's beckoning Rev stood up, and in his heart accepted the friend's invitation to join the others within. Rev stepped forward towards the river, which now was no longer the color of the sun, but the color of the sky. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head and as Rev turned his vision was stained red. Rev felt himself splitting, one part of him falling back into the river, back into the friend, to join the others inside with an enormous rush of color and light. The other part of Rev, which suddenly didn't seem important,  fell to the ground in front of Ka, who held in his hands a large stone, the sharpest corner of which was clotted with bloody hair.


Subject: osholon information 2211

Date: February 2, 2011 1:53:40 PM PST

the true nature of water will soon emerge, ushering in a new , less "solar" based consciousness

"Quantum Water" Discovered in Carbon Nanotubes

A new quantum state of water found in carbon nanotubes at room temperature could have important implications for life

kfc 01/28/2011

  1. 12 Comments

Many astrobiologists think that water is a key ingredient for life. And not just because life on Earth can't manage without it.

Water has a weird set of properties that other chemicals simply do not share. One famous example is that water expands when it freezes, ensuring that ice floats rather than sinks. That's important because if it didn't, lakes and oceans would freeze from the bottom upwards, making it hard for complex life to survive and evolve.

These and other properties are the result of water molecules' ability to form hydrogen bonds with each other and this gives these molecules some very special properties.

Today, George Reiter at the University of Houston and a few buddies put forward evidence that water is stranger than anybody thought. In fact, they go as far as to say that when confined on the nanometre scale, it forms into an entirely new type of quantum water.

The background to this is that the electrons in donor and acceptor molecules in hydrogen bonds are indistinguishable, meaning they can travel from one molecule to the next. When the molecules are confined in some way, they can spread some distance, when in a solid for example.

But water molecules can be confined in other ways too. And when that happens, the electronic structure of liquid water becomes a connected network.

That raises an important question: how does the behaviour of molecules in this electronic network differ from the behaviour of molecules in bulk water interacting in an ordinary way?

Reiter and co say they have measured the properties of confined in the tiny space inside carbon nanotubes at room temperature and found some important differences. They've done this by filling nanotubes with water and bombarding them with an intense beam of neutrons at the Rutherford Appleton Lab in the UK. The way the neutrons scatter reveals the momentum of the protons inside the nanotubes.

It turns out that the protons in this nano-confined water at room temperature behave in an entirely different way to those in bulk water. Protons are known to be sensitive to the electronic fields around them. So when these fields form into unusual electronic networks, it's no surprise the protons behave differently.

"The departures of the momentum distribution of the protons from that of bulk water are so large, that we believe that the nano-confifined water can be properly described as being in a qualitatively different quantum ground state from that of bulk water," they say.

They even suggest that there could be some kind of quantum coherence that spreads out through the electronic network. If that's the case, it should be possible to measure how this decoheres in future experiments.

That's a big deal. Reiter and co chose carbon nanotubes because they are an analogue of the conditions water faces when passing through living systems, through ion channels in cell membranes, for example. Biologists have long known that flow through these channels is orders of magnitude greater than conventional fluid dynamics predicts. Perhaps this new state of quantum water is the reason why.

Reiter and co also say that this quantum water can only exist when it is surrounded by neutral molecules such as the carbon in nanotubes and not in the presence of many commonly studied materials, such as proton exchange membranes like Nafion. This is made of molecules that conduct protons in an entirely different way and so prevents the formation of quantum water.

The implication, of course, is that the proton exchange membranes used in everything from chemical production to fuel cells could be dramatically improved by using a neutral carbon-based material.

In fact, this phenomenon may be a crucial factor in the very mechanism of life itself. Exciting stuff!

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1101.4994: Evidence Of A New Quantum State Of Nano-Confifined Water

Subject: osholon transmission 2111

Date: February 1, 2011 7:24:31 PM PST

taken on iphone as i lay in tub


speer drawing  I