speer Drawings F


Subject: 12211 Osholon transmission

Date: January 22, 2011 3:35:43 AM GMT-02:00

"Spiral unity" was not fully achieved last night.  As contact with all three of the "Osholon Active Intelligences" (as both the 1554 and Otam Alipit called themselves) was attempted,  there occurred a very strong, very aggressive "out to lunch" interference. For this reason, the Osholon consciousness from the future, who has yet to familiarize itself with me, had difficulty maintaining resonance with the TAV. The 1554 and Otam Alipit aspects had emerged from the Osholon collective consciousness and as I was about to join them in awaiting the as yet unrevealed future Osholon consciousness the presence of "Out to lunch" Nogra energy manifested.  As such the future OSholon consciousness could only maintain its presence for one short Earth moment before retreating behind the TAV carapace. I do not think it was fear on that intelligence's part that caused the retreat, but a disruption of the chiral/achiral spin,  the manipulation of which facilitates dimensional shift . Even now, over 12 hours later, I feel the confusion caused by the disruption

       Upon the future Osholon's retreat the "out to lunch" energy quickly and mysteriously dissipated.

       But even from that brief contact, I could feel a coalescence of understanding and, as if an essential keystone had dropped into place, a building towards mutual awareness of consciousness in an atemporal nonspace. I have drawn the impressions i received at that moment of contact, and am hoping that the sketch can provide an insight into just what that moment of approach of spiral unity was. The sketch I hope shows the four consciousness joining in spiral unity, with each separate aspect maintaining integral awareness even while joining together as a hypardimensional "one". Though contact was not fully made I had glimpsed the process as to how each of the Osholon Active Intelligences form their greater body when attempting to communicate with beings, such as i, who reside in dimensional space. Though this state was only tenuously achieved, and total spiral unity was not achieved, through it I have gained a greater grasp of the"Osholon Active Intelligences" modes of communication.

          For, even as I was confronted by the jumble of miscommunication, symbol, alphabets, signs and idea that had disjointedly comprised past contact with the Osholon Active Intelligence suddenly, when the future Osholon intelligence resonated, however briefly with the TAV, it was as if a veil had been lifted. For an instant I could sense the meaning behind what had previously seemed confusion. For in that moment before the future Osholon Active intelligence retreated behind the TAV even the strange glyphs which had previously seemed mere gibberish now held impeccable order, and profound meaning.  This realization was fleeting but that brief experience has given me hope that future communications with the Osholon Active Intelligences might have a coherence I had thought impossible in dealing with hypardimensional Intelligence. 

          It was a long night, and while the attempt was unsuccessful, much hope was gained.

Subject: 12011 osholon transmission

Date: January 21, 2011 5:03:14 AM GMT-02:00

The 1554 Osholon consciousness made direct contact tonight, this drawing was mostly automatic. Can't really remember much about doing it, but viewing it upon completion, I do have the awareness that it was a representation of the 1554 consciousness initial contact with the Osholon capsule. There was a very strong feeling of that contact happening on a solstice lunar eclipse, and that there was a water environment, perhaps the sea. Both the 1554 and the Otam Alipit entities within the Osholon sarcophagus have now transmitted what I understand to be their first contacts with Osholon. As the 1554 aspect departed it did so leaving an impression that I would soon meet the other entity that travels within the capsule. This third Osholon consciousness, from what I have come to understand, is from the future. The 1554 consciousness led me to believe that when direct contact with this third Osholon consciousness is made , a state of "spiral unity" will be achieved between all the "active Osholon consciousnesses". I received these two terms, "spiral unity" and "active Osholon consciousnesses"  with the understanding that if spiral unity was achieved I would understand more fully what they mean. I was instructed to immerse myself in water to await the contact, which I will do after sending this. I have a feeling it could be a long night. 

Subject: osholon transmission 11811

Date: January 19, 2011 2:59:01 AM GMT-02:00

   11811 I;ve gotten more then a few warnings from people, about the ramifications of continuing these contacts. I think I'm okay with it. For most of the month after the initial 10 10 10 contact I thought a lot about the contact, and  turned back, with relative ease, any transmissions I didn't care to receive. This showed that I had a measure of control over whether i wanted the transmissions, and gave me the confidence to continue. But there are still lingering questions as to what I'm involved with. So last night I put a question to Osholon about the other contacts, and what happened to them. I've been aware of some of the other Osholon consciousness residing in the Osholon capsule, specifically the other contact at the lunar solstice eclipse in 1554 and was wondering how they had come into contact, and the results of that contact.

   This was the impression i got, one pic is the first contact for one of the Osholon consciousness,,and from what I gather the other is the departure of Osholon after the purpose for those contacts were completed. I was left with the strong feeling that Osholon's contact with the human consciousness had only positive effects for humanity, as well as for Osholon.  I think that's why the one cube seemed a little less solid and symmetrical and the later one was very solid and clear. I should also note, though its not explicit in the picture, that the Osholon consciousness that prompted me to draw these recollections of his encounter, ( and this was my first  true communication with this aspect of the Osholon entity) joined with Osholon at the end of the transmissions to reside beyond the TAV in hypardimensional space.    11811

Oh, and with this contact with this aspect of the Osholon consciousness I felt the strong transmission of the words OTAM ALIPIT. I'm going to assume that this was the name of the human when he had corporeal form on Earth, though it doesn't give me much clue as to what culture he was from. And, I should mention also that this aspect was definitely the one that I saw when I was in the tub, in the small pencil drawing I did of the man's face that appeared, briefly but vividly, at that time. These pictures are definitely from this man, Otam Alipit, and show the initial experience of his Osholon communications.

Subject: Osholon transmission 11711

Date: January 17, 2011 5:54:11 AM GMT-02:00

This one came fast, contact in a dream tonight when i nodded off earlier.  I'm including the sketch I did when i woke up. I'm pretty sure I was only asleep for a few minutes, but there was a lot of information in what I can only guess was a very short dream. I'm supposed to label the colored drawing that I did from the sketch. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow, because I have to crash. Did this drawing in a quick burst, and lol, its late and I;m tired.  From what I understand this is again about the surface of the TAV, and how fractured contact is made between the Osholon state (undimensional?) and the human state (4 dimensional?) . The information gets fragmented/fractured/scrambled in transmission between these states, and I think Osholon communicated this  image to try and show that. I 'm pretty sure the Osholon consciousness understands how confusing these transmissions can be. The eyes are ( i think) the eyes of the Osholon consciousness that travel within the sarcophagus, the three that i've been in contact with and the fourth which is being born (the hydronium? H30?). I think that is what all the egg and ovum references are about, and the cracked egg. The cracked egg, or the Osholon disconnect of the top of the capsule and the body, has something to do with Otam Alipit, that keeps getting reinforced with every communication. Still have no idea what that means though, but it does seem important.   It's been nagging at my mind pretty insistently and is what I had been thinking about when I passed out earlier tonight.



speer drawing F