speer Drawings C1


Subject: osholon information/transmission 101011

Date: October 11, 2011 7:15:35 AM GMT+09:00

just noticed something interesting. I;ve had this osholon transmission drawing laying around for last few weeks or so. The last image i sent out seemed to say something to a number of people, but that was osholon information. this image (perceptive glare) is a transmission and, i'm realizing , the seed of the last image (101011). I did the 101011 image in the last bunch of hours,, started it yday afternoon, so it was quick and easy. this image, perceptive glare, though it might look primitive, took me at least three weeks to finish, if it is finished, (it is a drawing done completely during transmissions) i;m only sending it out because of the similarities, which i just noticed when i opened my osholon folder,and mistook the thumbnail for the 101011 image.

if that makes sense..lol (i have quite a few drawings that are started, but waiting for the transmission "stream" dealing with that information to pick back up, its something i really dont control)

and..lol.i feel like i  should have made an osholon bday cake!

maybe next year...maybe

Subject: osholon information 101011

Date: October 11, 2011 5:27:33 AM GMT+09:00

one year since first transmission 101010


speer drawing  C1