UFO con 2012


I attended UFO conference, Sep 15, 16, at Santa Clara, CA Marriott Hotel, one of the most interesting UFO conference for me.


first day end of speaker Andrew Basiage and second day end of speaker Alfred Webre was my most interest speaker, it was main reason i decided to go this conference, looks like other people interested those two speakers too.

23 years ago after i move to NY I continue went UFO conference, so many times. that time new information was open in USA, such as William Cooper's relation with secret government and UFO.

William Cooper’s radio speak 1 H after 911.

then many years not many interesting UFO information for me,

then this time more technology oriented topic, such as time travel, teleportation, artificial environment, SQE ( Synthetic Quantum Environment. ), open this information at UFO conference in silicon valley California is interesting start.

William Cooper, Andrew Basiage, Alfred Webre likes America, so they really try to change America to new time line, i feel that way. not just only them but so many new information getting open now. just for me is most interesting subject is Andrew Basiage and Alfred Webre. Alfred open his secret story first time. i met him at UFO conference few years ago, then i found he wrote book called "Age of Catastrophes" 39 years ago, because i had this book in Japanese translation around 38 years ago. so i was surprised that why he is at UFO conference. this time he explain his book, he made this book for money to go Catastrophes. that is one of time line. so now he is working for other time line which is not going to Catastrophes, exopolitics, exo university. it is so nice. Alfred introduced Sep 21 International Day of Peace event also. http://www.bethepeace.com/

Alfred was most excellent speech for me.

Project Pegasus : http://www.projectpegasus.net/

Alfred Webre

Andrew Basiage

Laura Eisenhower


UFO con 2012